Join me for the inaugural Cuntsultant Book Club, featuring Sweetening the Pill: Or How We Got Hooked on Hormonal Contraception by Holly Grigg-Spall. This book discusses the history of the Pill and the author's own experiences while on hormonal contraception. This book gave me a lot to reflect on in my own experiences and I think it is a thought-provoking read for anyone who has taken hormonal birth control.
From the publisher:
Millions of healthy women take a powerful medication every day from their mid-teens to menopause - the Pill - but few know how this drug works or the potential side effects. Contrary to cultural myth, the birth-control pill impacts on every organ and function of the body, and yet most women do not even think of it as a drug. Depression, anxiety, paranoia, rage, panic attacks - just a few of the effects of the Pill on half of the over 80% of women who pop these tablets during their lifetimes.
When the Pill was released, it was thought that women would not submit to taking a medication each day when they were not sick. Now the Pill is making women sick.
However, there are a growing number of women looking for non-hormonal alternatives for preventing pregnancy. In a bid to spark the backlash against hormonal contraceptives, this book asks: Why can't we criticize the Pill?
Purchase Sweetening the Pill here.
The Cuntsultant Book Club will meet virtually via Zoom on Tuesday evenings, October 17, November 7, and November 21, from 7-9pm PST. We will discuss the book, our reactions and thoughts, and our own experiences with hormonal contraception.
The Book Club is free to join but spaces will be limited. Register here by selecting Book Club as the service and letting me know why you're interested in reading this book. Looking forward to reading with you!