Weekly Class Recordings

Replays will be posted within 48 hours of class session.

Zoom Link for all sessions: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84856737987?pwd=NUpHOGtVQ3N5S0RxZTd0cW8yVjI2QT09

Meeting ID: 848 5673 7987 Passcode: 006557

Week 1: Menstrual Cycle Basics

July 5, 2022

Homework for Week 1: Read through Chapters 1&2 in the Justisse Method User’s Guide

I also want to clarify two terms that I don’t think I fully explained. Medically, fertilization is when sperm meets egg and conception is when that fertilized egg actually implants in the uterus. Some people have a belief that conception occurs at fertilization (i.e. that fertilization makes a pregnancy) but that is not the medical definition and usually this is based on religious belief.

Week 2: How to Observe & Chart

July 12, 2022

Homework for Week 2: Start charting! Read through Chapters 3-5 in the User’s Guide.

Week 3: Rules Review

July 19, 2022

Homework for Week 3: Finish reading the User’s Guide and keep charting!

Week 4: Barriers & Boundaries

July 26, 2022

Links to things I mentioned:

Please Bleed! by Samantha Zipporah

Emergency Contraception 101 webinar by Chloe Skerlak

OvaryIt (they confirmed they offer emergency contraception & Caya diaphragm)


Lucky Bloke condoms

Homework for Week 4: Just keep charting :)

Week 5: Cyclical Living

August 2, 2022

Homework: Just keep charting!

Week 6: Chart Review + More Sex Talk

August 9, 2022

HW: Just keep charting! Our next & final session will be on Tuesday, August 30 from 4-6pm PST

Week 7: Final Chart Review

Thank you all so much for being a part of this class! Here are links to the feedback form and additional session options: