Vaginal Steaming

What feels better than steaming your face? Steaming your labia!

Vaginal steaming, also known as v-steam, yoni steaming, bajo, is an ancient, worldwide practice that can help alleviate a variety of vagina-related issues.


Why Steam?

Vaginal steaming has been used all over the world for thousands of years to treat a host of gynecological concerns. It has been most frequently used for postpartum healing, but it has many benefits beyond that. Steaming can be beneficial in relieving painful menstrual cramps and improving vaginal dryness. It is also a great practice to connect deeper with your body and your cycle.

Steaming is an incredibly gentle practice that can greatly improve your menstrual cycle. I like to think of it as the first step in any healing journey with your cycle.

The Set Up

Steaming is a simple process. You essentially make a tea in a pot and then squat over it sans pants. There are lots of ways to make this more comfortable. You can purchase a special steaming stool so you can be supported and comfortable -- steaming usually takes upwards of 20 minutes and that's a really long time to hold a squat! Steamy Chick carries a variety of stools or you can make your own. All you need is a stool or chair with a hole in the middle. 


The Herbs

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